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Telephone Skills - 1
This activity is ideal for two students practicing together.
Employee: Smith Marketing. Good morning, how can I help you?
Client: Good Morning, may I speak with Mr. Harrison?
Employee: May I ask who's calling?
Client: My name is Bill Jones from RTC Industries.
Employee: One moment please.
Employee: I’m afraid Mr. Harrison is in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?
Client: Yes please. Could you please let Mr. Harrison know that Bill Jones from RTC Industries called and that I have a question regarding the documents he sent me.
Employee: Do you have a phone number were he can reach you?
Client: Yes, he can call my direct office line, 872-9034. Today I will be in the office until 6 in the evening.
Employee: Alright. I'll make sure he gets the message.
Client: Thank you.
Employee: You're welcome. Have a good day.
Listen, record and practice
Click Record
Record your voice, then click Stop when you finished