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TIPS for Introducing Yourself (By: M. Welton)
Practicing introducing yourself by saying your name and where you are from. This practice page is particularly useful for preparing a video presentation for the ELVIS.
It is important that you say your name clearly and that the listener can understand you. When you know someone's name, it makes communication more meaningful and personal.
If your name is not commonly used in English, you can help the listener by pausing before and after you say your name.
When you pause, it gives the listener time to process your name. Listen to my name pronounced in fast speech then slowly.
See the example below. The spaces indicate when to pause.
EXAMPLE: My name is MaryEllen Welton. I am from Tampa, Florida.
Now you try:
My name is _______ _______.
I am from _____________.
For most English speakers, a smile and good eye contact are important when first meeting someone.
Practice saying your name with a smile Don't forget to pause when saying your name.
My name is Mary Ellen Welton.
A great way to learn and improve is to listen to native speakers and try to imitate them. Listen to where they stress words, when they pause, and how their intonation rises and falls. You should also watch what kind of body language they have and how it corresponds to their speech.
Listen, record and practice
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