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A/FD = Airport/Facility Directory
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AC = Advisory Circular
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ADF = automatic direction finder
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ADIZ = air defense identification zone
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ADM = aeronautical decision making
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AFSS = automated flight service station
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AGL = above ground level
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AIM = Aeronautical Information Manual
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AIRMET = Airman's Meteorological Information
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ALD = Available landing distance
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ALS = approach light system
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ARTCC = air route traffic control center
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ARTS = automated radar terminal system
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ASEL = airplane single-engine land
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ASOS = automated surface observation system
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ASR = airport surveillance radar
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ATA = actual time of arrival
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ATC = Air Traffic Control
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ATD = actual time of departure
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ATE = actual time enroute
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ATIS = automatic terminal information service
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AWOS = automated weather observing system
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AWW = severe weather forecast alert