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"t" sound
Read and repeat the following phrases and sentences aloud and compare with your recordings.
Be sure to say any t and the beginning of the words with a puff of air. (Your tongue tip should be against your upper gum ridge and NOT the back of your teeth.)
Remember that the t between vowels is usually not aspirated. Pronounce it like the Spanish r in "cara" or "pero".
I will tell you on Tuesday.
The teacher bought twentytickets.
Ted has a terribletemper.
I think the city is a better place to live.
The waters looked pretty from where I was sitting.
Theresa is talking on the telephone.
Whattime does the partystarttonight?
It was a terribly cold winter.
There is always a lightat the end of the tunnel.
The tennistournament is scheduled tostarttomorrow.
Listen, record and practice
Click Record
Record your voice, then click Stop when you finished