Flash player is required to listen and record. Click here to ensure you have the latest flash player installed. Note: the recorder does not work in Chrome browser.
Long "a" sound as in LATE, RAIN, PLANE
Listen to the phrases and sentences below, record your own version and compare your recordings with the original.
Are you going by train or plane?
Janeexplained the rules of the game.
Why have I gained so much weight?
Eightladies are swimming in the lake.
David likes to play in the hay.
I'd like to obtain tickets to the racetoday.
Our neighbors brought us some raisincake for dessert.
They complained about the children's bahavior.
I go to the bank every Monday.
Theywaited for an update from the manager.
Listen, record and practice
Click Record
Record your voice, then click Stop when you finished