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Tongue Twisters
Tongue Twisters are groups of words which begin with the same sound and are hard to pronounce--especially when you say them quickly!
In this section you will find a selection of tongue twisters for you to practice and help you develop your reading and speaking skills.
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.
How much wood Would a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Really leery, rarely Larry.
Nine new noisy, nosy, annoying neighbors.
Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.
Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter that would make my batter better".
Listen, record and practice
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